sábado, 25 de enero de 2014

Interaction in class

I choose secondary students in an art class, who have been studying English from the school and their levels are between A2 and B1.
I will use a Communicative methodology, introducing an active learning method.
It is essential the students will understand the theory to do successful the practice task. As a teacher, I have to motivate them and to know if they are following me with questions about the task.
Some things that we have to do as teachers are:
  • Connect specific lexis with daily language, and do a brain storming ideas about the topic.
  • I show some pictures. In groups, the students have to choose one and debate what the characteristics of the image are, and after that they explain us. They have to use the specific lexis. 
  • When they finish their art work, we will do an art exhibition. Some of them are artists and others are art critics. They have to explain their work and the art critic will say their opinions. They must use all the concepts learned in last lessons.

In relation with the previous list about teaching strategies and how you can use them in a class; we can explain advantages and disadvantages about it.
Do interactive tasks help the students to communicate with them and express their ideas. For example, in a brain storming ideas, they will feel free to say something that they think about the topic without any negative feelings like embarrassment or afraid to do a mistake.
When they work in groups, they could feel confidence with your partners to show their opinions, and when they share ideas they learn values like respect and know ways to do the task.
The third step, play a role in an art gallery. They will communicate together and they will feel free to explain their opinions.
Nevertheless, there are disadvantages in these strategies because they can cause arguments among the students.

Teachers have to watch the behaviour of the students and avoid negative situations. 

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